Friday, April 26, 2013

Expanding My Horizons

In my English Composition II class we have been working on a researched argument essay and our final portfolios. Our class has focused on social media and using the Internet. We have created blogs, Word Press pages, joined Second Life, and learned a lot about how technology is being used everyday. One of the activities that I liked the most was creating our Word Press pages. I am not very good with computers; I can type an essay, make a PowerPoint and get on the Internet but that is all of my computer capabilities.
Learning how to create my own web page and set everything up was amazing and really helped me to learn more about computers and how to use them to help me prepare for my future. Our professor would like us to be able to use our Word Press pages as an online resume for future references and job interviews. My favorite part of setting up this page was learning how to change the appearance and set up how my page was going to look. There were so many themes and widgets to use for my page. After I figured out how to use all of these tools, with a little help from my classmates and my friends, I was able to start adding pages and putting my work online. So far my page only has my essays from my English class, but I hope to continue to add my work from the classes I will eventually take in college. My page also has a post about the meteor that hit in Russia, a writing assignment for my English class but still very interesting. 

Right now I am trying to put all of my essays and research from my final paper onto my Word Press page. By the time I am finished I hope to have a complete portfolio of my work from this semester, an information or About Me page, and a mini resume. Maybe someday someone will be able to use my essays as a source in their own writing or use them to create an idea for their own paper. 

Please feel free to check out my page here!

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